Get Pizza, Doughnut and Avocado Toast Beer in Edmonton During Wyrd Bier Adventures - Jan 8 to Feb 16, 2025
This month, local breweries are banding together and making it a little weirder in Edmonton. There are nineteen total breweries, with ‘Wyrd Biers’ being served up around the city to warm up your body and wake up your tastebuds. Avocado stout, a beer without carbonation, animal style BURGER ale, pizza gose - you’ve gotta try ‘em all.
19 Wyrd Bier options to try in edmonton
Town Square Brewing - Cheetos & Chill or Captain Fun Gus
The Monolith - Single Barrel 3 Year Spon-still Beer
The Growlery - Ube Beer
Talking Dog - Ol' Yeller
SYC - The Big Easy
Southbound - Avocado Stout
Polyrhythm - Koto
Omen Brewing - Disco Balls
Odd Company Brewing - Animal Style Ale
Manual Labour - Death Row Meal
Longroof Brewing Co. - Canned Heat
Leduc Brewing Co. - Thai Spice IPA
Irrational Brewing Company - Doughnut Party
Endeavor Brewing - All Hail the Dilsner
Dog Island - Smoked Masala Chai Ale
Bent Stick Brewing - Mash Potatoes
Arcadia Brewing Co. - Deadhead Ginger Beet Ale
Analog Brewing - Pizza Gose
Alley Kat - Unicorn Blood
This wyrd bier menu is available January 8 to February 16,2025 at local breweries. To make this even more of an adventure, you’ll be given a passport you can get stamped with your weird beers, and the first 400 people to get at least 16 stamps will receive a Wyrd Bier Chalice. Get the whole thing stamped and you will receive a Medal of Absolute Coolness(only for 100 of the coolest). Count us in! We’re here to try them all!
Find the full list of details and breweries at